

Our passion for ocean perfection shines through in our boards
Ian Foo and Lauren Turnbaugh founded Hypr Hawaii SUP and Surf in Kona, Hawaii, in 2003. With their love for getting out on the water, they have been pioneers of the stand up paddle board resurgence that started on the beaches of Hawaii and has now spread across the world.

Hypr is derived from the two words that sum up the inspiration for the boards - Hawaii and Performance. We decided to spell it our way so you know when you are buying one of our boards you are buying the best in high performance - HYPR!

Through years of experience of human powered paddle sport with an ocean mana mindset, Ian and Lauren have created a range of boards that are accessible to everyone. So whether you are new to the sport or an experienced stand up paddler, you can rest assured that a Hypr Hawaii paddle board will give you a next level paddling experience. 

The company has expanded its sales network worldwide and there are now distributors for HYPR boards in many countries including Canada, the UK., France, Ecuador, Mainland USA and Australia.

Join us on our mission to combine hundreds of years of traditional surf knowledge with elite aesthetics and cutting-edge designs as we strive to create the best in water craft, allowing you to connect with the oceans, lakes and rivers all around us. Become part of the Hypr family today to unlock the secrets of high performance paddling and to live your life out on the water.

ian foo holding a hypr hawaii paddle board
Board Buying Guide
There are a couple of questions you should ask yourself so that you can purchase the best and correct board for your needs.

Call Us!   We love to help our customers decide what is the best board for them-  email us at at hyprcanada@gmail.com 
or call Jeff at 306 861 6502 or
Darren at 604 989 7678
How much do you weigh? - bigger boards for heavier paddlers
How tall are you? - wider boards for heavier paddlers - narrower for lighter and smaller
Where will you be doing most of your stand up paddling?
Do you want to use it for long distance paddling or are you more interested in stand up surfing? - the longer the board the more glide per stroke
Do you want a really stable board or would you prefer more manoeuvrability? - the smaller the board the more manoeuvrable.
Hypr Paddleboard Veneers
hypr hawaii paddleboard veneer finishes
Tail Descriptions
square tail shaped paddle board

Squaretail designs are excellent for flatwater because they add stability (remember you need to “stand” on SUPs as opposed to just “ride”, like on surf boards) and you can design a faster board with a squaretail paddleboard.
What makes a squaretail more stable is the increased amount of surface area and width of the tail. Since it doesn’t taper down to a point or have a vee shaped wedge cut out of it, there is more contact with the water and thus more volume. The more volume a board has the more weight it can carry. And the extra width of the tail helps prevent the board from tipping side to side.
pin tail shaped paddle board

The pintail design is another popular surfing shape that is great for larger waves. It consists of an elongated arc that is perfectly even on both sides and narrows towards the end to form a rounded point.
This shape allows the board hold tight to the water as the rider gets the board on edge to turn. The smooth and consistent shape of the pintail offers a more stable ride than the swallowtail when surfing larger waves.
swallow tail shaped paddle board

Swallowtail designs have a 'V' shaped wedge cut out of the back of the board. This shape gives the board a bit more power by extending the waterline through the board’s rail.
The more water line, the faster the board will go and this is very beneficial when surfing smaller sized waves that aren’t as powerful as the larger waves.
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